Thursday, October 18, 2012

Best World of Warcraft Leveling Guide

 Hello everyone my name is Shawn and like you i play world of warcraft. For the longest time i would run around looking for quests and just kill anything i could to level up. I would see other people that were getting levels fast then me.
 One day i asked someone how others were leveling so fast and i was told to look up Zygor Guides.
 So i did and after almost a year of playing WoW with no guide and no lvl80 (thats how bad it was for me) it took me 2 days of using the guide to get my Hunter to lvl80.
 Then i was like (how long would it take me to make a lvl80 Warrior) so the next day i made one and started out on how long it would take using the Zygor Guide. After one day (8 hours) i was already lvl27  not to bad if you ask me. With in a week i had another lvl90.
 Now i know most people don't play for 8 hours and i dont always play that long but you get the point.
 In the coming years and 3 expansion's later i have made it to the level cap with 8 of my toon's with in 2 weeks and have a lvl65 Pandaria Monk after just 4 days.
 So if you need to work on your leveling in world of warcraft then this is the guide you need, some even call it power leveling do to how fast you can get leveled up.
 I have put pages here with all the cost so you know what you get and nothing is hidden from you.There are also some videos you can watch on the guide. 

Enjoy your leveling in WoW.

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